Here in Main Site, we have no clue what we’re doing.
The idea of having a website has always been staggering and mesmerizing. What would I put in it? How many ways are there to really show the world just who I am?
There are many ways. It is debilitating. There is just so much of me that it somehow transforms into something that is very nothing-like. Kind of like how after visiting the same store for so many years, nothing really strikes you except for all the things you’ve never seen before and in the end you get nothing from it except what you needed.
We think nothing of cheese and bread, but isn’t it so amazing I can buy a pack of cheese and a load of bread from the store and eat grilled cheese for a week?
So what do you need from me? Nothing. Great, already a losing battle then.
And what do I have to offer? In your eyes, nothing you’ve never seen before. I have stories, I have jokes, and I have a lesser version of anything your favorite YouTuber or blogger has already offered you.
That’s when I realized I don’t have anything to offer after all. Why should I put myself out there? Just because I want to? Is that okay to do?
Well, sure. It’s not breaking any rules, except some silly self-imposed policy that my webpage should be someone’s new obsession. First of all, no. Second of all, no.
This isn’t anyone’s new favorite website, this is simply my website. If I try to show off, I’ll get nowhere, but if I just try building without idolizing myself, then maybe I’ll have a new obsession.