Dragonese Dictionary
* Words I made up.
- A
- un
- Across
- ovvers
- After
- backers
- Afterwards
- lutter
- A little
- piddly
- A lot
- muggly
- Again
- wummortime
- Agony
- ow-lika-dentipull
- All right
- okay dokey
- Along
- onners
- Also
- add
- Although
- spite
- Am
- is
- And/with
- plus
- Another
- Add-on
- Any
- bitof
- Anyway
- wateva
- Are
- est
- Around
- bout
- Armor
- joosqueeze-protector
- As
- asa
- As well as
- tooboot
- At that moment
- suddens
- Autumn
- fallings
- Away
- distance
- Axe
- chopper
- Baby
- snotta
- Bad
- poopy
- Bad mood
- thunderpuffs issa zapping
- Bang splat
- Bang splosh
- Beach
- drybits
- Because
- parsk
- Bed
- sleepy-slab
- Bedroom
- zuzzspot
- Bee
- buzzer
- Been
- stand
- Beer/mead
- giggle juice, silly juice, wobble juice
- Before
- ere
- Began
- brings
- Belch/burp
- gobfart
- Besides
- stedof
- Bet
- gambla
- Better
- perky
- Big
- giganticus
- Bird
- song-munch
- Biscuit
- snik-snak
- Bite someone on the bottom
- yum-yum on di bum
- Bite someone on the finger
- yum-yum on di thumb
- Bite someone on the stomach
- yum-yum on di tum
- Bits
- tiddler
- Black
- squidink
- Blanket
- snugger
- Blood
- coozejoos, scarlett joos, gorey
- Blue
- seasky
- Bog
- runner-sink
- Bogeys
- sniffersludge, snotting-gum
- Bone
- white branch
- Bottom
- botti bum, dubblimuch, dobbli wobbli
- Bow and arrow
- pluckit plus for kend
- Boy
- half-pint
- Brave
- lack-smart (lit. Foolish)
- Breakfast
- earlymunch
- Burgle
- snickle
- Burrow
- gaff
- Burrow, to
- duggle
- Burst into tears
- do di girly boo-hoo
- But
- stil
- Can/but
- may
- Can I?
- goffa
- Can't
- No-no
- Carry
- cunga
- Carrots
- snorey-munch (and all kinds of vegetables)
- Carpet
- floorsheet
- Cat
- miaowla, miaow-miaow
- Catch
- catcha
- Ceiling
- air top
- Chair
- bum-support
- Chase
- chassa
- Cheese
- moo-poos block
- Chimney
- scorch spot
- Chocolate
- chock lush
- Choose
- choosa
- Clever
- quicksmart
- Cloak
- swirl around
- Close
- snap
- Cloud
- wet clump
- Cold
- shivers
- Cozy
- toastiboili
- Couldn't
- not-not
- Cow
- horn-creamer, milky-dangler, moo-munch
- Crabs
- crawl pinchers
- Crackling
- zapping
- Crawl
- claggle
- Cucumber
- greenburger
- Dad
- pappa
- Dagger
- pricker
- Dance
- tootsieing
- Day
- dunning
- Death
- big dreamtime
- Deer
- prickle-burger
- Definitely
- doubly doubly
- Delicious
- scrumplush
- Despite
- evens
- Did
- fix
- Didn't
- fix-not
- Different
- unsamey
- Dipped
- dunkings
- Disgusting, really
- doubly yuck-yuck
- Disgusting/revolting
- yuck-yuck
- Do not care
- isna burped
- Dog
- dim-woof
- Don't
- na
- Don't like
- no likeit
- Door
- slammer
- Down
- mole way
- Dragon
- greenclaw, green blood
- Drink
- glugga
- Each
- itty
- Ears
- squearers
- Earth
- squelchy bit
- Eat
- eaty, gobbla, munch-munch, scrumming
- *Eels
- piss-squergles
- Enemy
- piss-people
- Even
- soso
- Ever
- keeps
- Everyone
- masses
- Eyes
- peepers
- Far
- staraway
- Farts
- botty-crackles, buttok-thunder, smelly-breezers
- Fat
- wobbliflesh, jellibelli
- Favorite
- bestest
- Feather
- fly fluff
- Feet
- runners
- Fern
- stridescapers
- Fetch
- grabba
- Finally
- aslong
- Find
- sees
- Fire
- warmadi-tootsies, scorch-crackle
- Fire, to set
- flicka-flame
- First
- numero uno
- Fish
- saltswimmys
- Fit/put
- parka
- Five
- fif
- Floor
- dustholder
- Flower
- buzz-munch
- Fly
- flip-flop
- Follow
- two step
- Food
- grubbings
- Footsteps
- slow-mo-pop
- For
- par
- Forgot
- rubout
- Fork
- poker
- Found
- spots
- Friend
- freundlee
- Ghost
- fella o di dreamtime
- Girl
- missy
- Give
- giva
- Glass
- lookthru
- Going
- splits
- Good
- crak
- Goodbye
- toodle oon
- Go out with me?
- di out abba-me?
- Grass
- greenstuff
- Greedy
- overmunch
- Green
- leafy
- Gross
- poo-poo
- Guy
- piss-person
- Haddock
- stinkfish
- Hair
- google choke
- Hand
- mitt-mitt
- Hands
- reechers
- Happy
- smirklings
- Harbour
- land scoop
- Has
- hogs
- Have
- ava
- He
- hissa
- Head
- brainbox, noodle, puzzler, hod
- Headache
- ow-indi-brainbox
- Hear
- earwig, squear
- Heart
- joossqueeze, squeezeblood
- Heather
- purple stuff
- Hello
- howdeedoodeethere
- Helmet
- puzzle-protector
- Here
- vola
- Honey
- buzzjoos
- Horse
- neigh-munch
- Hotdogs/sausages
- warm woofs (made from venison)
- House
- hoosus, wingless gaff
- How
- woh
- How?
- horra?
- How do you do?
- farin okey
- Hug
- vomit-bellysqueezers, do di vomit-belly squeezes
- Human being
- no-brainer
- Humans
- da wingless land prisoners, skyless dirt grubbers
- Hungry
- belly-scream
- Hunting
- prickin
- I
- me
- I do like it
- me like it
- I'll
- meesa
- In/inside
- inna
- In the end
- longers
- In this
- indi
- Insects
- scuttles
- Inside
- inna
- Islands
- drybits
- Is not
- snotta
- Islands
- drybits
- It's
- is
- It's not
- sna
- I've
- meesa hogs (I will + has)
- Jacket
- grubwarmer
- Joking
- tickling
- Just then
- suddens
- Keep
- hogsit
- Kind
- keendlee
- King
- big dadda
- Kiss, to
- do di hissi-fittings, do di heebi jeebys, do di yucky gobba-bath, swappadayukilip-juice
- Kitchen
- munch spot
- Knees
- clackers
- Knife
- slicer
- Know
- coglet
- Last
- lagga
- Last time
- pastime
- Later
- backers
- Laugh
- do dichuckliha-has
- Laugh
- snicka
- Lead
- first step
- Legs
- striders
- Legs hurting
- ow-indi-tootsies
- Less than
- plus piddly
- Lesson
- snorer
- Let
- lessa
- Lie
- greenblood-speck
- Like
- com
- Like, to
- me likee
- Liked
- likeit
- Little
- ickle, min
- Live
- hot
- Live/fold
- folda
- Lobsters
- front pinchers
- Long
- rangee
- Look
- goggle
- Lose
- leaf behind
- Lose you temper
- do di screemi beserkers
- Lots
- oodle
- Loud
- fortissimo
- Love
- 'e's alright reely
- Lucky
- doublesix
- Man
- shouta, yella
- Many
- teems
- Marsh
- oozer
- Master
- yellfatter
- Mean
- snakesnipper
- Meanwhile
- midst
- Meet
- greety
- Middle
- middling
- Milk
- moo-joos
- Moon
- dark-peeper (lit. Eye of the dark)
- More
- mucho
- More than
- luggly
- Most
- muchest
- Mother
- mama
- Mouse
- squeak-snack
- Mouth
- gob
- Much
- lotsa
- My
- me,mi,di
- Myself
- meselva
- Name
- calda
- Nano dragons
- pesti-stings
- Need
- wants
- Nest
- gaff
- Never
- nix
- New
- spicky spanny
- Next
- afters
- Next door
- ensweet
- Night
- zuzztime
- No
- nee-ah
- No problem
- easipeasilemonsqueezi
- Nobody
- neverman
- Nose
- sniffer
- Not
- isna
- Not at all
- piddleplum
- Ocean
- wetworld
- Of
- o
- Ok
- okey
- Old/wrinkly
- crumply
- Once
- wuntime
- On the other hand
- spares mitt-mitt
- Once
- wun time
- Only
- solo
- Or
- oo
- Other
- spares
- Our
- usses
- Out
- opps
- Over
- uptops
- Oysters
- saltsticks
- Paper
- frickle
- Pen
- frickle-scratch
- Pig
- squeal-munch
- Plate
- plonker
- Play
- larks
- Please
- pishyou (pronounced like a sneeze)
- Pleased
- heeby-jeebies
- Poisonous
- wobblediguts
- Poisonous, very
- ow-in-di-tummmy
- Poo
- cack-cack
- Pooing
- crappa
- Porridge
- uglysludge
- Purple
- broos
- Pyjamas
- jim-jams
- *Quiet, be
- zip-di-gob
- Rabbit
- randifloss
- Rain
- blueleack, thinderan drip-drops (lit. Thor's tears)
- Ran
- flit
- Really
- issitso
- Red
- gorey-like,crimson,red,scarlet
- Remember
- regurlge
- Right
- oopla
- Right now
- snip-snap
- Romans
- hairless no-brainers
- Room
- hovel
- Round
- eggey
- Rug
- wipe
- Rumblings
- lardi-gurgles
- Run
- quick-mo
- Sadly
- downa
- Saucepan
- munchboil
- Say
- yaks
- School
- jaw-jaw
- Scratch
- scarlet strokings
- Scream
- yowlyshreekers
- Scrummy
- yum-yuminditum
- Sea
- wettings, splosh-splosh
- See
- googla, peepa
- Sheep
- dim-fluff, *baa-munch
- Shells
- squergle boxes
- Ship/sail
- puffcatcher
- Shoe
- runnerbox
- Shout
- roarspeek, hodsdlitta
- Shy
- shushrose
- Sick
- weeklyweed, wobble-di-guts
- Since
- fromsa
- Sit
- parka di botty
- Sky
- bluetop
- Sleep
- zip-di-peepers
- Sleeping
- zuzzing
- Small
- bitty
- Smell
- sniffa
- Smile
- curlup di gob
- Sneaky
- tipclaw
- Sneeze
- spray di brain-goo
- Snot
- brain-goo
- Snow
- dandruff-di-woden
- So
- sosa
- So
- too
- Something
- thingy
- Soon
- nearsa
- Spear
- plunger
- Spit
- gobba
- Splat
- splosh
- Spoon
- scooper
- Spring
- wettings
- Start
- gogo
- Starvation
- gobbledesert
- Steal
- swappit
- Still
- asis
- Stinks
- yucksniff
- Stomach
- grubwasher
- Stone
- landmake
- Stop
- holdup
- Strong
- grittybit, landmake
- Stormclouds
- thunderpuffs
- Stream
- wet crackle
- Stupid
- lacksmart
- Summer
- boilings
- Sun
- hot o di world
- Sunshine
- dazzleit
- Swim
- wet-flap
- Sword
- flashpricker
- Table
- munchy-holder, munch-support
- Tail
- forkwaver
- Take
- tacka, nabs
- Talons/toenails
- scrapers
- Tantrum, to have a
- do di wobbly scremers
- Tell
- blab-blab
- Temper, to lose your
- do di heeby jeebys, do di hissifittings, do di screemiberkers
- Than
- as
- Thank you
- thankee
- That
- da
- That bad
- tootoo
- That way
- vuzza
- The
- di
- Then
- backers
- There
- dere
- These
- heresa
- Thing
- thingummy
- Think
- ricky-rack
- Thirsty
- dry-gurgs
- This
- sa
- This way
- vizza
- Thor
- Thunderman
- Those
- Theresa
- Thought
- rickety-rack
- Three years old
- par twa freezings
- Threw up/sick
- chuck-it-up
- Throat
- Through
- passy
- Throw
- bunga
- Time
- tick tock
- Tiptoe
- shushstep
- Tired
- zuzzready
- To be sick
- wobble-di-guts
- Toilet
- crapspot
- Told
- blabbety-blab
- Tongue
- forkspeeker
- Too
- tow
- Took
- hasnabs
- Tree
- bluescraper, leafings
- Tummy
- grubwasher
- Tummy ache
- ow-indi-grubwasher
- Unfortunately
- downa
- Until
- uptil
- Up
- godway
- Us
- weesa
- Valhalla
- BigManGaff
- Vegetables
- snoremunch
- Vengeful
- grimful
- Very
- bigtime, buckets
- Viking
- hairyno-brainers, prickle-burger
- Wake up
- peepers undo
- Walk
- slow-mo
- Want
- needy, wantee, wanti
- Wanted
- needsa
- Was
- woz
- Water
- gurglelap, splish
- Wave
- wettingwrinkle
- Well
- splishjug
- We're
- ussa issa
- We've
- ussa hassa
- What
- questa, wah, watcha
- What?
- warra?
- When
- oncer
- When?
- tarra?
- Where
- wa
- Where?
- yarra?
- Which
- icka
- Which?
- wotcha?
- While
- assa
- Whisper
- shushspeek
- White
- white
- Who
- hoody
- Whose?
- hossa?
- Why
- comma, yi
- Why?
- quera?
- Wind
- thorpuff
- Window
- airsquare, seesa
- Wings
- flip-flaps, gliders
- Winkles
- snotting-gum
- Winter
- freezings
- With
- wi
- Woke up
- undo snipsnap
- Worms
- squergles
- Yellow
- butter color
- Yes
- yessee
- Yet
- tilla
- You
- ta, yow
- Please do not eat the cat
- Pishyou na munch-munch di miaow-miaow.
- Who has been sick in my father's pajamas?
- Hoody chuck-it-up un di jim-jams di pappa?
- Toothless, you KNOW I want you to poo in the dragon toilets…
- Toothless, ta COGLET me wantee ta cack-cack in di greenclaw crapspot…
- Yes, yes, I know
- O yessee yessee, me coglet…
- So what, then, is THIS?
- Erg…questa SA?
- Er…a chocolate biscuit?
- Ummm…un chocklush snik-snak?
- This isn't a chocolate biscuit, it's a POO, it's one of YOUR poos, Toothless, and it ISN'T in the dragon toilet, it's right bang splat in the middle of my father's bed.
- Snotta chocklush snik-snak, issa CACK-CACK, issa cack cack di Toothless NA in di greenclaw crapspot, may oopla bang slosh in di middling di sleepy-slab di pappa.
- No pooping inside the house please.
- Nee-ah crappa inna di hoosus, pishyou.
- My mother does not like to be bitten on the bottom.
- Mi mama no likeit yum-yum on di bum.
- Please would you be so kind as to spit my friend out?
- Pishyou keendlee gobba oot mi freeundlee?
- Let's try that again.
- Doit a wummortime.
- SIT, for Woden's sake, before I burst into tears.
- PARKA DI BOTTY, forsakes di Woden, or me do di girly boo-hoo.
- I am very poisonous.
- Mi wobblediguts bigtime.
- Please do not eat the cat.
- Pishyou na munch-munch di miaow-miaow.
- Toothless had a nightmare. Toothless get up RIGHT NOW.
- Toothless ava z-z-zuzzspook. Toothless uptime SNIP-SNAP.
- But it's the middle of the night!
- May is di middling o di zuzztime!
- Don't set fire to the bed, Toothless, DON'T SET FIRE TO THE BED! DON'T SET FIRE TO THE— OH, TOOTHLESS!
- Na flicka-flame di sleepy-slab, Toothless, NA FLICKA-FLAME DI SLEEPY-SLAB! NA FLICKAFLAME— OH, TOOTHLESS!
- Hiccup is up! Hiccup is up! Will you play with me?
- Huccup izzup! Hiccup izzup! Hiccup tickla wit-Toothless?