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All Aboard The Nerdom Express

About 9683 have voted in this annual Autism Swag Summit Grand Final.

Who will win? Vote now at autismswagsummit on

Donatello Hamato (ROTTMNT)

In the lead with 43.7% of the votes. Listen. The writer has agreed to keep their bias out of this, so they won't disclose how radical to the maximum this show with a much-too-long name is. However, it must be stated, emphasised, and underlined that Hamato Donatello is the definition of autistic swag. Now, vote for who you want, but he's got our (singular) vote!

Reasons Donnie is cool:

He rad

He's an okay father

He has a drill (in beta)

Papyrus (Undertale)

Darling of the Undertale fandom, this skeleton has a permanent smile on his face, and a permanent spot in our hearts. Even if you haven't played this game, we'll bet our nonexistent weekly allowance that you know who this spaghetti-making master is. Currently he's second in line for the throne with a solid 32.7% of votes.

Reasons Papyrus is cool:

Best dates

He is a cool brother

He has a cool brother

Lilo Pelekai (Lilo & Stitch)

Behold the original autist of the cartoon community! Lilo Pelekai is weird and we love her for it—but maybe she's a little too weird for some of our voters, seeing as she's last in the running for ultimate autism swag champion with only 23.6% voter approval. Don't worry Lilo, you're still in the Top Three! We'll get 'em next year.

Reasons Lilo is cool:

Awesome family

Wall full of Americans

Elvis Presley karaoke

N is For...

Don't miss out on r/FanFiction's Alphabet Excerpt Challenge. This Saturday's letter: N! Hosted by hero redditor u/AnaraliaThielle about...uh, a day ago? Uh-oh, looks like we're a little late to the party. No worries, you can participate whenever, just remember:

New challenges are posted every Wednesday and Saturday at 3pm London time.

Wild Life Episode 4 is out

Guess what, maidens? In this chaotic (and oh boy if it isn't THE MOST chaotic season yet) episode...more people die! Mostly through...


No spoilers, but it's clear after the last episode that many of the contestants are down on lives. Thankfully, this episode's wild card was pretty lenient. Well, kind of.

Don't forget to tune in to your favorite Wild Lifers' videos!

Opinion: Weight Loss

Man, this is less an opinion and more like vent. How do you do this, I'm starvin' here just thinking about eating that leftover donut. Here's the thing: I don't consider myself a very hungry person. There are very few times in my life where I say "I'm hungry" and truly mean it. Am I bored?

"I'm hungry."

Do I want to annoy my mom?

"I'm hungry."

Am I hungry?

Well, now I am! What gives brain? Is it because now that you know you can't have it, you really want it? Reminder that humans are just brains in meat suits (we are all Kraangs, really). So, what gives me?

I assume it's also because I'm not allowed to binge-eat anymore. I'm not hungry most of the day, but once I'm presented with food, I will scarf it down until I'm stuffed. I didn't think I was eating that much, but, well...I got this big and, more importantly, stayed this big for a reason.

If you want to lose some weight, uh. Don't ask me! Maybe visit this webpage, which I found very inspiring!